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- === Character Attributes ===
- During the process of Character Generation (see birth.txt [1]), you
- will select your character's three primary attributes - its sex, race
- and class. If you select a spellcasting class, you will also make a
- choice of magic realms at that time. Your character will be randomly
- assigned a number of other attributes such as height, weight, social
- class, and background history
- Your choices as to sex, race, class and realm are irrevocable and will
- remain fixed for the entire life of that character. The only exception
- to this, is that the Chaos spell 'Polymorph Self' (and the mutation of
- the same name) may cause your race to change as one of its possible
- effects.
- In addition to these attributes, there are several statistics which are
- used to determine your character's relative skills and abilities as
- follows:
- --- Primary Statistics ---
- Each character has six primary statistics or 'stats'. These are
- strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution and charisma,
- which modify the abilities of the character in a variety of ways. For
- example, strength affects your carrying capacity, the amount of damage
- you to a monster when you hit it and the number of blows per round you
- get with a weapon. A more complete discussion of the primary statistics
- is contained later in this document (see below [2]).
- --- Experience ---
- Experience affects almost everything else about your character.
- Experience can be gained as your character kills monsters, casts spells
- or prays for the first time, learns about an object kind by using it,
- disarms traps and unlocks doors. Certain classes may also gain
- experience by destroying specific dungeon spell books and there are
- potions in the dungeon that will boost your experience if you quaff
- them.
- When your character's experience crosses certain fixed boundaries, you
- will attain a new experience level (up to a maximum of 50). When this
- happens, your hitpoints, mana (if any), certain skills such as melee
- fighting and bows and throws will all increase. Some races and classes
- will also gain new powers and abilities when crossing certain
- experience thresholds.
- Deep down inside, the real objective of the game is to increase your
- experience, and certain other characteristics, and also to collect
- useful items, to give you a decent chance against the great Serpent of
- Chaos. Certain monsters can "drain" your experience, and thus your
- level, which will cause you to lose all of the effects of the higher
- level. Luckily, you can restore drained experience through magical
- means, or by simply regaining the experience all over again.
- --- Gold (AU) ---
- Each character has some gold, which can be used to buy items and
- services from the shops and other buildings on the town level. Gold
- can be obtained by selling items to the shops, taking it from the
- corpses of dead monsters, mining it and by finding it lying on the
- dungeon floor.
- Each character starts out with some gold, the amount of which is
- based on the character's social class, charisma, sex (female
- characters start with more gold), and other stats (less powerful
- characters start with more gold). Each character also starts out
- with a few useful items, which may be kept, or sold to a
- shop-keeper for more gold.
- --- Armor Class ---
- Each character has an armor class, representing how well the character
- can avoid damage. Your armor class is affected by your dexterity and
- your equipment. A more detailed discussion of Armor Class can be found
- in the Combat section (see attack.txt#Armor [3]).
- --- Hit Points ---
- Each character has hit points, representing how much damage the
- character can sustain before he dies. Your hit points are derived
- from your race, class, level, and constitution, and can be boosted
- by magical means. Hit points may be regained by resting, or by a
- variety of magical means.
- --- Spell Points (Mana) ---
- Each character has spell points, or mana, which represents how many
- spells (or prayers) a character can cast (or pray). Your spell
- points (sometimes called mana) are derived from your class, level
- and intelligence (for spells) or wisdom (for prayers). Spell points
- may be regained by resting, or by a few magical means.
- --- Character Skills ---
- Each character also has several primary skills: disarming, magic
- devices, saving throws, stealth, searching, perception, melee and bows
- and throws, which are derived from the character's race, class,
- experience level, stats and their current equipment. These skills have
- fairly obvious effects, but will be described more completely below.
- The starting abilities of a character are based upon race and class.
- Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats, and may increase with
- the level of the character (see below for details [4]).
- Each character may have one or more racially intrinsic skills and
- racial abilities, which may also include special resistances and
- activations.
- ***** <TheSexes>
- === Gender ===
- You character may be male or female. Males tend to be heavier but
- there are no significant gameplay differences between the two sexes.
- ***** <TheRaces>
- === Races ===
- There are thirty different races that you can choose from in Zangband.
- Each race has various strengths and weaknesses and its own adjustments
- to a character's stats and abilities. Many races also have intrinsic
- abilities and powers.
- Human
- The human is the base character. All other races are compared
- to them. Humans can choose any class and are average at
- everything. Humans tend to go up levels faster than any other
- race because of their shorter life spans. No racial adjustments or
- intrinsics occur to characters choosing human.
- Half-Elf
- Half-elves tend to be smarter and faster than a human, but not as
- strong. Half-elves are slightly better at searching, disarming,
- saving throws, stealth, bows, and magic, but they are not as good
- at hand weapons. Half-elves may choose any class and do not
- receive any intrinsic abilities.
- Elf
- Elves are better magicians then humans, but not as good at
- fighting. They tend to be smarter than either humans or half-elves
- and also have better wisdom. Elves are better at searching,
- disarming, perception, stealth, bows, and magic, but they are not
- as good at hand weapons. They resist light effects intrinsically.
- Hobbit
- Hobbits, or Halflings, are very good at bows, throwing, and have
- good saving throws. They also are very good at searching,
- disarming, perception, and stealth; so they make excellent rogues
- (but prefer to be called burglars). They will be much weaker than
- humans, and no good at melee fighting. Halflings have fair
- infravision, so they can detect warm creatures at a distance.
- They have their dexterity sustained. They are very fond of food,
- and learn, in due time, to cook a delicious meal from available
- ingredients.
- Gnome
- Gnomes are smaller than dwarves but larger than Halflings. They,
- like the Halflings, live in the earth in burrow-like homes. Gnomes
- make excellent mages, and have very good saving throws. They are
- good at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth. They have
- lower strength than humans so they are not very good at fighting
- with hand weapons. Gnomes have fair infra-vision, so they can
- detect warm-blooded creatures at a distance. Gnomes are protected
- intrinsically against paralysis and some slowing effects. At
- higher levels, Gnomes learn to teleport at will.
- Dwarf
- Dwarves are the headstrong miners and fighters of legend. They
- tend to be stronger and tougher but slower and less intelligent
- than humans. Because they are so headstrong and are somewhat wise,
- they resist spells which are cast on them. Dwarves also have very
- good infra-vision because they live underground. They do have one
- big drawback, though. Dwarves are loudmouthed and proud, singing
- in loud voices, arguing with themselves for no good reason,
- screaming out challenges at imagined foes. In other words, dwarves
- have miserable stealth. They can never be blinded. Dwarves also
- learn to study the structure of a dungeon, and can spot things
- that go unseen by the other races.
- Half-Orc
- Half-Orcs make excellent warriors and decent priests, but are
- terrible at magic. They are as bad as dwarves at stealth, and
- horrible at searching, disarming, and perception. Half-Orcs are,
- let's face it, ugly. They tend to pay more for goods in town.
- Half-Orcs do make good warriors and rogues, for the simple reason
- that Half-Orcs tend to have great constitutions and lots of hit
- points. Because of their preference to living underground to on
- the surface, Half-Orcs resist darkness attacks. A Half-Orc will
- learn to dispel any fear that may be upon him or her.
- Half-Troll
- Half-Trolls are incredibly strong, and have more hit points than
- most other races. They are also very stupid and slow. They will
- make great warriors and iffy priests. They are bad at searching,
- disarming, perception, and stealth. They are so ugly that a
- Half-Orc grimaces in their presence. They also happen to be fun to
- run... Half-trolls always have their strength sustained. At higher
- levels, Half-Trolls learn to enter a berserk fury, and regenerate
- wounds automatically.
- Amberites
- The Amberites are a reputedly immortal race, who are endowed with
- numerous advantages in addition to their longevity. They are very
- tough and their constitution cannot be reduced, and their ability
- to heal wounds far surpasses that of any other race. Having seen
- virtually everything, very little is new to them, and they gain
- levels much slower than the other races. But should they advance
- high enough, they will learn the innate Amberite powers of Pattern
- Mindwalking and Shadow Shifting.
- High-Elf
- High-elves are a race of immortal beings dating from the beginning
- of time. They are masters of all skills, and are strong and
- intelligent, although their wisdom is sometimes suspect. They can
- play most classes very well. High-elves begin their lives able to
- see the unseen, and resist light effects just like regular elves.
- However, there are few things that they have not seen already, and
- experience is very hard for them to gain.
- Barbarian
- Barbarians are hardy men of the north. They are fierce in combat,
- and their wrath is feared throughout the world. Combat is their
- life: they feel no fear, and they learn to enter battle frenzy at
- will even sooner than half-trolls. Barbarians are, however,
- suspicious of magic, which makes magic devices fairly hard for
- them to use and they are thus poorly suited to the spellcasting
- classes.
- Half-Ogre
- Half-Ogres are like Half-Orcs, only more so. They are big, bad,
- and stupid. For warriors, they have all the necessary attributes,
- and they can even become wizards: after all, they are related to
- Ogre Magi, from whom they have learned the skill of setting
- trapped runes once their level is high enough. Like Half-Orcs,
- they resist darkness, and like Half-Trolls, they have their
- strength sustained.
- Half-Giant
- Half-Giants are not too unusual, as there has been a tradition
- according to which it is a noble and brave thing to do to consort
- a giant (especially a giant-maid). Nevertheless, the poor
- offspring of such a union is seldom very popular in the world of
- men. Their limited intelligence makes it difficult for them to
- become full spellcasters, but with their huge strength they make
- excellent warriors. No ordinary wall can withstand the fury of a
- giant, or a half-giant, and at higher levels they can learn the
- power of magical digging. Their thick skin makes them resistant to
- shards, and like Half-Ogres and Half-Trolls, they have their
- strength sustained.
- Half-Titan
- Half-mortal descendants of the mighty titans, these immensely
- powerful creatures put almost any other race to shame. They may
- lack the fascinating special powers of certain other races, but
- their enhanced attributes more than make up for that. They learn
- to estimate the strengths of their foes, and their love for law
- and order makes them resistant to the effects of Chaos.
- Cyclops
- With but one eye, a Cyclops can see more than many with two eyes.
- They are headstrong, and loud noises bother them very little. They
- are not quite qualified for the magic using professions, but as a
- certain Mr. Ulysses can testify, their accuracy with thrown rocks
- can be deadly...
- Yeek
- Yeeks are among the most pathetic creatures. Fortunately, their
- horrible screams can scare away less confident foes, and their
- skin becomes more and more resistant to acid, as they gain
- experience. But having said that, even a mediocre monster can wipe
- the proverbial floor with an unwary Yeek.
- Klackon
- Klackons are bizarre semi-intelligent ant-like insectoid
- creatures. They make great fighters, but their mental abilities
- are severely limited. Obedient and well-ordered, they can never be
- confused. They are also very nimble, and become faster as they
- advance levels. They are also very acidic, inherently resisting
- acid, and capable of spitting acid at higher levels.
- Kobold
- Kobolds are a weak goblin race. They love poisoned weapons, and
- can learn to throw poisoned darts (of which they carry an
- unlimited supply). They are also inherently resistant to poison,
- and can become adequate fighters, although they are not one of the
- more powerful races.
- Nibelung
- The hated and persecuted race of nocturnal dwarves, these
- cave-dwellers are not much bothered by darkness. Their natural
- inclination to magical items has made them immune to effects which
- could drain away magical energy, and like ordinary dwarves, they
- can examine the dungeon to discover traps and secret doors.
- Dark Elf
- Another dark, cave-dwelling race, likewise unhampered by darkness
- attacks, the Dark Elves have a long tradition and knowledge of
- magic. With their intelligence they can become superb mages or
- priests, and they have an inherent magic missile attack available
- to them at a low level. With their keen sight, they also learn to
- see invisible things as their relatives High-Elves do, but at a
- higher level.
- Draconian
- A humanoid race with dragon-like attributes. As they advance
- levels, they gain new elemental resistances (up to Poison
- Resistance), and they also have a breath weapon, which becomes
- more powerful with experience. The exact type of the breath
- weapon depends on the Draconian's class and level. With their
- wings, they can easily escape any pit trap unharmed.
- Mind Flayer
- A secretive and mysterious ancient race. Their civilization may
- well be older than any other on our planet, and their intelligence
- and wisdom are naturally sustained, and are so great that they
- enable Mind Flayers to become more powerful spellcasters than any
- other race, even if their physical attributes are a good deal less
- admirable. As they advance levels, they gain the powers of See
- Invisible, Telepathy and a mind blast attack.
- Imp
- A demon-creature from the nether-world, naturally resistant to
- fire attacks, and capable of learning fire bolt and fire ball
- attacks. They are little loved by other races, but can perform
- fairly well in most professions.
- Golem
- A Golem is an artificial creature, built from a lifeless raw
- material like clay, and awakened to life. They are nearly
- mindless, making them useless for professions which rely on magic,
- but as warriors they are very tough. They are resistant to poison,
- they can see invisible things, and move freely. At higher levels,
- they also become resistant to attacks which threaten to drain away
- their life force. They also learn to temporarily turn their skin
- into a very hard, stonelike substance. In the most recent version,
- Golems gain very little nutrition from ordinary food. They need to
- collect scrolls of satisfy hunger, or perish of exhaustion when
- the life force animating their body runs out. In the most recent
- version Golems also gain natural armor class bonus from their
- tough body.
- Skeleton
- There are two types of skeletons: the ordinary, warrior-like
- skeletons, and the spell-using skeletons, which are also called
- liches. As undead beings, skeletons need to worry very little about
- poison or attacks that can drain life. They do not really use eyes
- for perceiving things, and are thus not fooled by invisibility.
- Their bones are resistant to shard attacks (not much to cut
- there), and they will quickly become resistant to cold. Should a
- skeleton be unlucky enough to lose some of his or her remaining
- life, he or she will learn to restore it at will. It is very hard
- for skeletons to eat food or drink potions. Although the magical
- effects of these will affect the skeleton even without entering the
- skeleton's (non-existent) belly, the potion or food itself will
- fall through the skeleton's jaws, giving no nutritional benefit.
- Zombie
- Much like Skeletons, Zombies too are undead horrors: they are
- resistant to life-draining attacks, and can learn to restore their
- life-force. Like skeletons, they become resistant to cold-based
- attacks (actually earlier than skeletons), resist poison and can
- see invisible. While still vulnerable to cuts (unlike skeletons),
- Zombies are resistant to Nether. Like Golems, they gain very little
- nutrition from the food of mortals. However, Zombies are, as the
- name implies, practically mindless: in this company, Groo would
- seem a genius.
- Vampire
- One of the mightier undead creatures, the Vampire is an
- awe-inspiring sight. Yet this mighty creature has a serious
- weakness: the bright rays of sun are its bane, and it will need to
- flee the surface to the deep recesses of earth until the sun
- finally sets. Darkness, on the other hand, only makes the Vampire
- stronger and they are unharmed by darkness attacks. As undead, the
- Vampire has a firm hold on its life force, and resists nether
- attacks. The Vampire also resists cold and poison based attacks. It
- is, however, susceptible to its perpetual hunger for fresh blood,
- which can only be satiated by sucking the blood from a nearby
- monster, which is the Vampire's special power. It should be noted
- that the vampires are so sensitive to daylight that even certain
- artifact light items which are filled with daylight will hurt them
- if they try to wield the items. Fortunately, the vampires do not
- really need these items, since they radiate an aura of 'dark light'
- of their own. Light resistance will, in any case, protect the
- vampire from the adverse effects of sunlight.
- Spectre
- Another powerful undead creature: the Spectre is a ghastly
- apparition, surrounded by an unearthly green glow. They exist only
- partially on our plane of existence: half-corporeal, they can pass
- through walls, although the density of the wall will hurt them in
- the process of doing this. The Spectre can scream an eldritch howl,
- which is enough to scare lesser monsters witless. As undead, they
- have a firm hold on their life force, see invisible, and resist
- poison and cold. They also resist nether; in fact, their
- half-corporeal form actually grows stronger from the effects of
- nether. At higher levels they develop telepathic abilities.
- Spectres make superb spellcasters, but their physical form is very
- weak. Like Golems and Zombies, Spectres gain almost no nutrition
- from ordinary food.
- Sprite
- One of the several fairy races, Sprites are very small. They have
- tiny wings, and can fly over traps that may open up beneath them.
- They enjoy sunlight intensely, and need worry little about light
- based attacks. Although physically among the weakest races, Sprites
- are very talented in magic, and can become highly skilled wizards.
- Sprites have the special power of spraying Sleeping Dust, and at
- higher levels they learn to fly faster.
- Beastman
- This race is a blasphemous abomination produced by Chaos. It is not
- an independent race but rather a humanoid creature, most often a
- human, twisted by the Chaos, or a nightmarish crossbreed of a human
- and a beast. All Beastmen are accustomed to Chaos so much that they
- are untroubled by confusion and sound, although raw logrus can
- still have effects on them. Beastmen revel in chaos, as it twists
- them more and more. Beastmen are subject to mutations: when they
- have been created, they receive a random mutation. After that,
- every time they advance a level they have a little chance of
- gaining yet another mutation.
- ***** <TheClasses>
- === Classes ===
- There are eleven different classes that you can choose from in
- Zangband. Each class has various strengths and weaknesses and its own
- adjustments to a character's stats and abilities. Many classes also
- have intrinsic abilities and powers. These are often linked to the
- character's experience level and only become available later in the
- game.
- --- The Classes ---
- Warrior
- A Warrior is a hack-and-slash character, who solves most of his
- problems by cutting them to pieces, but will occasionally fall back
- on the help of a magical device. Unfortunately, many high-level
- devices may be forever beyond their use.
- A warrior's prime statistics are his or her Strength, Dexterity and
- Constitution. A Warrior will be good at Fighting and Throwing/Bows,
- but bad at most other skills. Warriors cannot learn magic and gain
- experience for destroying high level spellbooks.
- As a warrior's experience increases, he becomes more proficient
- with his weapons gaining an additional attack per round with his
- missile weapon. As his skill improves, a warrior will become more
- confident in his ability to defeat his opponents and eventually
- will become resistant to fear attacks.
- Mage
- A Mage is a spell caster that must live by his wits as he cannot
- hope to simply hack his way through the dungeon like a warrior. In
- addition to his spellbooks, a mage should carry a range of magical
- devices to help him in his endeavors which he can master far more
- easily than anyone else. A mage is also better able to resist the
- effects of spells cast at him by his enemies.
- A mage's prime statistic is Intelligence as this determines his
- spell casting ability. Good Wisdom and Dexterity also help. There
- is no rule that says a mage cannot become a good fighter, but
- spells are the mage's true strength. With two notable exceptions,
- mages should avoid wearing armor on their hands as this can
- restrict their spell casting ability.
- Unlike other spellcasting classes, mages can freely choose any two
- magic realms, although they will never be as good at Life magic as
- a priest. Otherwise, mages tend to learn and cast all the spells in
- their realms better than any other character except the high mage
- who has concentrated his efforts so as to excel in a single realm.
- Priest
- A Priest is a character devoted to serving a higher power. They
- explore the dungeon in the service of their God and if treasure
- just happens to fall into their packs, well, so much more to the
- glory of their religion. A Priest's primary stat is Wisdom since
- this determine his success at praying to his deity. Since Priests
- receive new prayers as gifts from their patron deity, they cannot
- choose which ones they will learn. Priests are familiar with
- magical devices which they believe act as foci for divine
- intervention in the natural order of things, but are not as good as
- a mage in their use.
- Priests are good at resisting spells cast at them and make decent
- fighters but prefer blunt weapons over edged ones. A priest
- wielding an edged weapon will be so uncomfortable with it that his
- fighting ability will be affected unless it has first been blessed
- by the Gods. High level priests who practice Life magic will learn
- to invoke the power of their patron deity to bless such weapons.
- There are two types of priests in Zangband: the ordinary priests
- who, select Life magic as their primary realm, and the 'dark'
- priests, who select Death magic instead. Since the natural
- inclination of priests is towards Life Magic, priests who select
- Life magic will be able to learn their prayers faster and better
- than their evil colleagues. Priests can also select a secondary
- realm from the other five realms, and should be able to learn all
- spells in it although not as efficiently as mages.
- Rogue
- A Rogue is a character that prefers to live by his cunning, but is
- capable of fighting his way out of a tight spot. Rogues are good at
- locating hidden traps and doors and are the masters of disarming
- traps and picking locks. A rogue has a high stealth allowing him to
- sneak around many creatures without having to fight, or to get in a
- telling first blow. A rogue may also backstab a fleeing monster.
- A rogue is better than a warrior or paladin with magical devices,
- but still cannot rely on their performance. Rogues can also learn a
- few spells from a choice of four realms, but not the powerful
- offensive spells magi can use. A rogue's primary statistics are
- Intelligence and Dexterity but Strength and Constitution are
- important too.
- There are several subtypes of Rogues in Zangband and the exact type
- is determined by the realm of magic chosen. The common Thief, will
- probably be content with Arcane magic and its wide applicability.
- The Burglar, on the other hand, is more interested in the Sorcery
- spells, which allow him or her to do the job fast and efficiently.
- Assassins' partiality for Death magic is well known, and they are
- feared for it. Finally, there is the Card Shark, who will opt for
- Trump magic, and shuffles the decks with amazing proficiency.
- As a rogue increases in experience, his proficiency with the sling
- improves and he will ultimately gain two additional shots per round
- with his favorite missile launcher.
- Ranger
- A Ranger is a combination of a warrior and a mage who has developed
- a special affinity for the natural world around him. He is a good
- fighter and the best of the classes with a missile weapon such as
- a bow. A ranger has a good stealth, good perception, good
- searching, a good saving throw and is good with magical devices.
- A Ranger's primary stats are Intelligence and Dexterity since these
- affect his spell casting ability and his ability with his bow but,
- as a fighter, Strength and Constitution are important too. As a
- ranger's experience increases, so does his skill with his primary
- weapon - the bow and he will learn to notch and loose arrows very
- quickly. His ability with a cross bow will similarly increase but
- not to the same extent. Unfortunately, because a ranger is really a
- dual class character, more experience is required for him to
- advance through the levels.
- All rangers are trained in Nature magic, and all Nature spells are
- available to them. They even learn these spells almost as fast as
- mages. They can also select a secondary realm and may choose from
- any realm except Life magic, but they are slow learners of the
- second realm, and may find themselves unable to learn some of the
- highest level spells.
- Paladin
- A Paladin is a combination of a warrior and a priest. Paladins are
- very good fighters, second only to the warrior class, but not very
- good at missile weapons. A paladin lacks much in the way of
- abilities. He is poor at stealth, perception, searching, and
- magical devices but has a decent saving throw due to his divine
- alliance.
- A paladin's primary stats are Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and
- Wisdom since he must both fight and pray for divine intervention.
- The paladin receives prayers at a slower pace then the priest, but
- can receive even the most powerful prayers although at a higher
- cost and fail rate. Unlike priests, Paladins do not learn a second
- magic realm. Because a paladin is really a dual class character,
- more experience is required for him to advance through the levels.
- There are two types of Paladins: those trained in Life magic and
- their evil counterparts (the 'Death Knights') who are trained in
- Death magic. An 'ordinary' paladin will gain experience for
- destroying high-level spellbooks from all the magic realms except
- Life. A Death Knight, on the other hand, is very tolerant of the
- other realms and will only gain experience for destroying
- high-level Life books.
- As a Paladin gains in experience he will become more confident in
- his abilities to defeat his enemies and in his deity's power to
- protect him. As a result, Paladins become resistant to fear at
- higher levels.
- Warrior-Mage
- A Warrior-Mage is precisely what the name suggests: a cross between
- the warrior and mage classes. While their brothers, the rangers,
- specialize in Nature magic and survival skills, true Warrior-Mages
- attempt to reach the best of both worlds. As warriors they are much
- superior to the usual Mage class.
- The Warrior-Mage is recommended for the players who want to cast
- spells but whose mages tend to die too quickly. However, the power
- does not come without a price as Warrior-Mages require more
- experience to advance levels than any other class.
- Warrior-mages begin the game with Arcane magic, and they can freely
- select another realm of magic. Although they do not gain new spells
- as fast as regular mages, they will eventually learn every spell in
- both realms, thus making a very competitive choice for players who
- appreciate Arcane magic.
- Chaos-Warrior
- Chaos Warriors are the feared servants of the terrible Demon Lords
- of Chaos. Every Chaos Warrior has a Patron Demon and, when gaining
- a level, may receive a reward from his Patron. He might be healed
- or polymorphed, his stats could be increased, or he might be
- rewarded with an awesome weapon. His Patron Demon might, for some
- reason, get annoyed with him and do something fairly nasty like
- surround him with monsters, drain his stats or wreck his equipment
- or they might simply ignore him. The Demon Lords of Chaos are
- chaotic and unpredictable indeed. The exact type of reward depends
- on both the Patron Demon (different Demons give different rewards)
- and chance.
- Chaos Warriors are, as one might expect, trained in Chaos magic.
- They are not interested in any other form of magic. They can learn
- every Chaos spell.
- As a chaos-warrior gains in experience, he becomes more confident
- of his ability to defeat his enemies and will learn to resist fear
- at higher levels. In addition, as a result of their prolonged
- service to the Demon Lords of Chaos, a chaos-warrior will eventually
- become resistant to the effects of chaos.
- Monk
- The Monk character class is very different from all other classes.
- Although they can use weapons and armor just like any other class,
- their training in martial arts makes them much more powerful with
- no armor or weapons. To gain the resistances necessary for
- survival at higher levels a monk may need to wear some kind of
- armor, but if the armor he wears is too heavy, it will severely
- disturb his martial arts maneuvers.
- As a monk gains in experience he learns, new, powerful forms of
- attack and is able to land more blows per round. His defensive
- capabilities increase likewise. Fortunately, the amount of armor a
- monk can wear, while still fighting efficiently, also increases
- with experience.
- In addition, the monk's agility allows him to resist paralyzing
- attacks once he reaches a high enough level (but only if his armor
- is not restricting his movement). Monk's are able to move quickly
- and will become faster and be able to strike more quickly as they
- gain experience.
- The different sects of monks are devoted to different areas of
- magic. The typical monk is interested in the harmony of nature, and
- studies Nature magic. An idealist monk would select Life magic, and
- try to work to benefit his neighbor. But there are also dark
- monks, who practice Death magic. A monk will eventually learn all
- prayers in the discipline of their choice.
- Mindcrafter
- The Mindcrafter is a unique class that uses the powers of the mind
- instead of magic. These powers are unique to Mindcrafters, and vary
- from simple extrasensory powers to mental domination of others.
- Since these powers are developed by the practice of certain
- disciplines, a Mindcrafter requires no spellbooks to use them. The
- available powers are simply determined by the character's level.
- A Mindcrafter's primary stat is Wisdom since this is used to
- determine how well he / she can perform the psychic powers, and in
- combat a Mindcrafter is roughly the equivalent of a priest. Unlike
- the priest, however, a Mindcrafter is never penalized for wielding
- an edged weapon.
- Although the powers of a Mindcrafter may seem like magic, this is
- not strictly speaking the case. They are mental powers, independent
- of the ordinary sources of magic. Consequently, Mindcrafters are
- not interested in 'magic' and learn no spells or prayers.
- As a Mindcrafter's experience increases, so does his ability to
- control his body with his mind as do his mental powers. A
- mindcrafter will learn to control his fear early in his career and
- to resist becoming confused at higher levels. His practice of
- mental discipline will mean that eventually his wisdom will be
- sustained. Very experienced mindcrafters will gain the power of
- telepathy.
- High Mage
- High mages are mages who specialize in one particular field of
- magic and learn it very well - much better than the ordinary mage.
- For the price of giving up a second realm of magic, they gain
- substantial benefits in the mana costs, minimum levels, and failure
- rates in the spells of the realm of their specialty.
- A high mage's prime statistic is intelligence as this determines
- his spell casting ability. Good wisdom and dexterity also help.
- There is no rule that says a high mage cannot become a good
- fighter, but spells are the mage's true strength. With two notable
- exceptions, high mages should avoid wearing armor on their hands as
- this can restrict their spell casting ability.
- High mages may freely choose any realm but it should be noted that
- a high mage specializing in Life Magic will not learn it as well as
- a priest.
- ***** <PrimaryStats>
- === Primary Statistcs ===
- Each character has six primary "stats", strength, intelligence, wisdom,
- dexterity, constitution, and charisma, which modify the abilities of
- the character in a variety of ways. Every stat has a numerical value,
- ranging from a minimum of 3, up to a normal maximum of 18, and even
- higher, into the "percentile" range, represented as "18/01" through
- "18/100". Actually, every stat can be raised even above 18/100 by
- magical means, up to a pure maximum of 18/220, which is represented as
- "18/***".
- Traditionally, a percentile stat such as "18/50" has been thought of as
- representing a value part way between 18 and 19, and this is one way to
- think of them. However, often, the best way to view the "bonus" values
- after the "18/" is as "tenth" points, since it often takes the same
- magic to raise a stat from, say, 4 to 5, or 16 to 17, as it does from,
- say, 18/40 to 18/50. The important thing to remember is that almost all
- internal calculations "ignore" the final digit of any "bonus", so that,
- for example, "18/40" and "18/49" are always have the same effects.
- --- The Primary Statistics ---
- Strength
- Strength is critical to fighting effectively in melee combat and
- with missile weapons. A high strength will improve your chances of
- getting multiple blows with your melee weapon and, in addition,
- will dramatically increase the amount of damage done with each
- hit. Strength also has a marginal effect on your chance to hit
- your opponent. Characters with low strength may receive penalties.
- Strength is also useful in tunneling, bashing and in carrying
- heavy items without being slowed down.
- Intelligence
- Intelligence affects the spellcasting abilities of mage-like
- spellcasters (high mages, mages, warrior-mages, rangers, chaos
- warriors and rogues). Intelligence will affect the number of
- spells these classes may learn each level, the number of spell
- points they receive and their spell fail rates. These classes
- cannot learn spells if their intelligence is 7 or lower. Also,
- intelligent characters are better at using magic devices, picking
- locks and disarming traps.
- Wisdom
- Wisdom affects the ability of priest-like spellcasters (priests,
- paladins and monks) to use prayers. Wisdom will affect the number
- of spells these classes may learn each level, the number of spell
- points they receive and their spell fail rates. In addition,
- wisdom is also used to determine a mindcrafter's ability to use
- his or her mental powers. These classes cannot learn spells if
- their wisdom is 7 or lower. Wise character's will have better
- chances of resisting magical spells cast upon them by monsters.
- Dexterity
- Dexterity is a combination of agility and quickness. A high
- dexterity may allow a character to get multiple blows with lighter
- weapons, thus greatly increasing his kill power, and will increase
- his chances of hitting with any weapon and dodging blows from
- enemies. Dexterity is also useful in picking locks, disarming
- traps, and protecting yourself from some of the thieves that
- inhabit the dungeons.
- Constitution
- Constitution is a character's ability to resist damage to his
- body, and to recover from damage received. Therefore a character
- with a high constitution will receive more hit points and also
- recover them faster while resting.
- Charisma
- Charisma represents a character's personality and physical
- appearance. A character with a high charisma will receive better
- prices from store owners, whereas a character with a very low
- charisma may be robbed blind. A high charisma will also mean more
- starting money for the character. Charisma is also used when
- calculating the success of a mindcrafter at dominating a monster.
- ***** <PrimarySkills>
- === Primary Skills ===
- Characters possess some different abilities which can help them to
- survive. The starting abilities of a character are based upon race and
- class. Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats, and may increase
- with the level of the character with the rate of increase dependent
- upon the level of the character.
- Melee
- Melee is the ability to hit and do damage with weapons or fists.
- Normally a character gets a single blow from any weapon, but if
- his dexterity and strength are high enough, he may receive more
- blows per round with lighter weapons. Strength and dexterity both
- modify the ability to hit an opponent. This skill increases with
- the level of the character.
- Bows and Throws
- Using ranged missile weapons (and throwing objects) is included in
- this skill. Different stats apply to different weapons, but this
- ability may modify the distance an object is thrown/fired, the
- amount of damage done, and the ability to hit a creature. This
- skill increases with the level of the character.
- Saving Throws
- A Saving Throw is the ability of a character to resist the effects
- of a spell cast on him by another person/creature. This does not
- include spells cast on the player by his own stupidity, such as
- quaffing a nasty potion. This ability increases with the level of
- the character, but then most high level creatures are better at
- casting spells, so it tends to even out. A high wisdom also
- increases this ability.
- Stealth
- The ability to move silently about is very useful. Characters with
- good stealth can usually surprise their opponents, gaining the
- first blow. Also, creatures may fail to notice a stealthy
- character entirely, allowing a player to avoid certain fights.
- This skill is based entirely upon race and class, and will never
- improve unless magically enhanced.
- Disarming
- Disarming is the ability to remove traps (safely), and includes
- picking locks on traps and doors. A successful disarming will gain
- the character some experience. A trap must be found before it can
- be disarmed. Dexterity and intelligence both modify the ability to
- disarm, and this ability increases with the level of the
- character.
- Magical Devices
- Using a magical device such as a wand or staff requires experience
- and knowledge. Spell users such as magi and priests are therefore
- much better at using a magical device than say a warrior. This
- skill is modified by intelligence, and increases with the level of
- the character.
- Perception (Searching Frequency)
- Perception is the ability to notice something without actively
- seeking it out. This skill is based entirely upon race and class,
- and will never improve unless magically enhanced.
- Searching (Searching Ability)
- To search is to actively look for secret doors, floor traps, and
- traps on chests. Rogues are the best at searching, but magi,
- rangers, and priests are also good at it. This skill is based
- entirely upon race and class, and will never improve unless
- magically enhanced.
- Infra-vision
- Infra-vision is the ability to see heat sources. Since most of the
- dungeon is cool or cold, infra-vision will not allow the player to
- see walls and objects. Infra-vision will allow a character to see
- any warm-blooded creatures up to a certain distance. This ability
- works equally well with or with out a light source. The majority
- of Zangband's creatures are cold-blooded, and will not be detected
- unless lit up by a light source. Most non human races have innate
- infra-vision ability. Human can gain infra-vision only if it is
- magically enhanced.
- ***** <StatBonusTable>
- === Stat Bonus Tables ===
- Each of the races and classes has certain modifications to their
- starting statistics an experience penalty. The experience penalty is
- designed to 'balance' the races with better starting statistics and
- abilities by requiring them to earn more experience before advancing a
- level.
- --- Table 1 - Race Statistic Bonus Table ---
- STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR Hit Dice Exp Penalty
- Human 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 +0%
- Half-Elf -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 9 +10%
- Elf -1 +2 +2 +1 -2 +2 8 +20%
- Hobbit -2 +2 +1 +3 +2 +1 7 +10%
- Gnome -1 +2 0 +2 +1 -2 8 +35%
- Dwarf +2 -2 +2 -2 +2 -3 11 +35%
- Half-Orc +2 -1 0 0 +1 -4 10 +10%
- Half-Troll +4 -4 -2 -4 +3 -6 12 +37%
- Amberite +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +2 10 +125%
- High-Elf +1 +3 +2 +3 +1 +5 10 +100%
- Barbarian +3 -2 -1 +1 +2 -2 11 +20%
- Half-Ogre +3 -1 -1 -1 +3 -3 12 +30%
- Half-Giant +4 -2 -2 -2 +3 -3 13 +50%
- Half-Titan +5 +1 +1 -2 +3 +1 14 +155%
- Cyclops +4 -3 -3 -3 +4 -6 13 +30%
- Yeek -2 +1 +1 +1 -2 -7 7 +0%
- Klackon +2 -1 -1 +1 +2 -2 12 +35%
- Kobold +1 -1 0 +1 0 -4 9 +25%
- Nibelung +1 -1 +2 0 +2 -4 11 +35%
- Dark Elf -1 +3 +2 +2 -2 +1 9 +50%
- Draconian +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 -3 11 +150%
- Mind Flayer -3 +4 +4 0 -2 -5 9 +40%
- Imp -1 -1 -1 +1 +2 -3 10 +10%
- Golem +4 -5 -5 -2 +4 -4 12 +100%
- Skeleton 0 -2 -2 0 +1 -4 10 +45%
- Zombie +2 -6 -6 +1 +4 -5 13 +35%
- Vampire +3 +3 -1 -1 +1 +2 11 +100%
- Spectre -5 +4 +4 +2 -3 -6 7 +80%
- Sprite -4 +3 +3 +3 -2 +2 7 +75%
- Beastman +2 -2 -1 -1 +2 -4 11 +40%
- --- Table 2 - Class Statistic Bonus Table ---
- STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR Hit Dice Exp Penalty
- Warrior +5 -2 -2 +2 +2 -1 +9 +0%
- Mage -5 +3 0 +1 -2 +1 0 +30%
- Priest -1 -3 +3 -1 0 +2 +2 +20%
- Rogue +2 +1 -2 +3 +1 -1 +6 +25%
- Ranger +2 +2 0 +1 +1 +1 +4 +30%
- Paladin +3 -3 +1 0 +2 +2 +6 +35%
- Warrior-Mage +2 +2 0 +1 0 +1 +4 +50%
- Chaos Warrior +2 +1 0 +1 +2 -2 +5 +35
- Monk +2 -1 +1 +3 +2 +1 +6 +40%
- Mindcrafter -1 0 +3 -1 -1 +2 +2 +25%
- High Mage -5 +4 0 0 -2 +1 0 +30%
- ***** <SkillBonusTable>
- === Ability Tables ===
- Each of the races and classes has certain modifications to their
- starting abilities. Players may also receive an additional level-based
- bonus to certain skills which is based on their class. For example
- mages improve their magical device skill more rapidly than warriors. As
- noted above, some skills will not improve unless magically enhanced.
- --- Table 1 - Race Skill Bonus Table ---
- Dsrm Dvce Save Stlh Srch Prcp Melee Bows Infra
- Human +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +10 +0 +0 None
- Half-Elf +2 +3 +3 +1 +6 +11 -2 +3 20 feet
- Elf +5 +6 +6 +2 +8 +12 -6 +6 30 feet
- Hobbit +15 +18 +18 +5 +12 +15 -11 +6 40 feet
- Gnome +10 +12 +12 +3 +6 +13 -8 +0 40 feet
- Dwarf +2 +9 +10 -1 +7 +10 +7 +0 50 feet
- Half-Orc -3 -3 -3 -1 +0 +7 +3 -3 30 feet
- Half-Troll -5 -8 -8 -2 -1 +5 +10 -5 30 feet
- Amberite +4 +5 +5 +2 +3 +13 +6 +0 None
- High-Elf +4 +20 +20 +4 +3 +14 +0 +10 40 feet
- Barbarian -2 -10 +2 -1 +1 +7 +10 +0 None
- Half-Ogre -3 -5 -5 -2 -1 +5 +12 +0 30 feet
- Half-Giant -6 -8 -6 -2 -1 +5 +13 +2 30 feet
- Half-Titan -5 +5 +2 -2 +1 +8 +13 +0 None
- Cyclops -4 -5 -5 -2 -2 +5 +10 +6 10 feet
- Yeek +2 +4 +10 +3 +5 +15 -5 -5 20 feet
- Klackon +10 +5 +5 +0 -1 +10 +5 +5 20 feet
- Kobold -2 -3 -2 -1 +1 +8 +8 -8 30 feet
- Nibelung +3 +5 +10 +1 +5 +10 +5 +0 50 feet
- Dark Elf +5 +15 +20 +3 +8 +12 -5 +7 50 feet
- Draconian -2 +5 +3 +0 +1 +10 +5 +5 20 feet
- Mind Flayer +10 +25 +15 +2 +5 +12 -8 -5 40 feet
- Imp -3 +2 -1 +1 -1 +10 +5 -5 30 feet
- Golem -5 -5 +10 -1 -1 +8 +10 +0 40 feet
- Skeleton -5 -5 +5 -1 -1 +8 +8 +0 20 feet
- Zombie -5 -5 +8 -1 -1 +5 +10 +0 20 feet
- Vampire +4 +10 +10 +4 +1 +8 +5 +0 50 feet
- Spectre +10 +25 +20 +5 +5 +14 -10 -5 50 feet
- Sprite +10 +10 +10 +4 +10 +10 -8 +0 40 feet
- Beastman -5 -2 -1 -1 -1 +5 +9 +5 None
- --- Table 2 - Class Skill Bonus Table ---
- Dsrm Dvce Save Stlh Srch Prcp Melee Bows
- Warrior 25+12 18+7 18+10 1 14/2 25+100 17+55
- Mage 30+7 36+13 30+9 2 15/20 10+25 10+14
- Priest 25+7 30+10 32+12 2 16/8 16+50 7+18
- Rogue 45+15 32+10 28+10 5 32/24 15+70 20+40
- Ranger 30+8 32+10 28+10 3 24/16 15+65 20+63
- Paladin 20+7 24+10 26+11 1 12/2 19+76 10+14
- Warrior-Mage 30+7 30+10 28+9 2 18/16 20+75 20+50
- Chaos Warrior 20+7 25+11 25+10 1 14/12 23+90 7+40
- Monk 45+15 32+11 28+10 5 32/24 12+30 14+25
- Mindcrafter 30+10 30+10 30+10 3 22/16 15+30 15+20
- High Mage 30+7 36+13 30+9 2 15/20 10+15 10+10
- --
- Original : (??)
- Updated : (??)
- Updated : Zangband DevTeam
- Last update: May 25, 2001
- ***** Begin Hyperlinks
- ***** [1] birth.txt
- ***** [2] charattr.txt#PrimaryStats
- ***** [3] defend.txt#Armor
- ***** [4] charattr.txt#PrimarySkills